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Oliver Horsman is a Britisth artist who is challenging perception with digital art.

Value of Digital Art

There has been a lot of controversy in the media about the value of digital art. Oliver wants to explore this idea by creating a series of work that plays with this.

In the same way as Marcel Ducamp signed a urinal and called it art. Oliver wants to challenge the status quo. By asking what is digital art and what's it worth? Is it a the visual that has value or the scarcity of its NFT?

Some of the pieces in this series will include a graphic section which will evolve over time visually indicating the change in value of each piece. The original sale price and the current estimated price will also be included along with the title, edition and the current owner, information usually only found outside of the art its self. Other pieces in the collection simply display the NFT code associated with the piece. 

Each piece would evolve over time based on its original and current value.

Oliver Horsman is a Britisth artist who is challenging perception with digital art.

Other Work in the Collection

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